viernes, 22 de febrero de 2013

Independence Day Lunch

Independence Day Lunch during recess (10:15-11am) on Tuesday, February 26th
If your name is in red, please discuss with your family what you will be able to bring in and let me know on Monday. If you already have your item on the list, please confirm with your family that you are able to bring that item.


  1. Brianda: Mangu
  2. María Teresa: Cupcakes
  3. Alanna: Mashed potatos
  4. Susana: Hot chocolate
  5. Samir 
  6. Lilly: Chicken
  7. Brandon
  8. Lucille
  9. Tatiana: Corn
  10. Adriana 
  11. Lynnette: Salami
  12. Emmanuel: Picaderas
  1. Samantha: Pastelon de platano
  2. Carla: Morir Sonando
  3. Vanessa
  4. Juan: French Toast
  5. Aimée
  6. Ivanna
  7.  Daniela: Cativias
  8. Valeria 
  9. Laura: Flan
  10. Paula
  11. Roslenny
  12. Isabelle: Fritos (tostones)
  13. Enrico
  14. Ramón: Chicken

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