martes, 5 de febrero de 2013

Chapters 17 & 18

Chapter 17:
1. Who did Winnie go on a boat ride with in the mornign and what were they doing?
2. What simile did Winnie use to describe Jesse?
3. How old are Miles' children?
4. Why didn't Miles tell his family to drink from the fountain?
5. What made Winnie realize she would keep their secret?
6. Predict: Before you continue, write a 1-2 paragraph prediction of what will happen on this day...

Chapter 18:
1. How did Winnie's feelings towards the Tuck's change from when she first met them? Back up your answer with a quote from this chapter.
2. Who did Winnie describe as "the dearest of them all", and why did she think this?

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