martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

Chapter 23: Strange Answers

Vocabulary: Write the definition in nb's, and write one sentence with each word.
1. Regally- Fancy or splendid.
2. Ethnic- A group of people sharing a common and distinctive culture, religion, and language.
3. Ornithologist- A zoologist who studies birds.
4. Slurred- To speak unclearly, or combine wrods together into one.
5. Flask- A flat metal or glass bottle for carrying in the pocket.
1. What did Otis mean by the phrase, "The turtle's lost its tail"?
2. What did Turtle convince Angela not to do?
3. What did the heirs receive in their envelopes?
4. Who do Angela and Sydelle believe is the murderer (their answer to the game)?
5. Who did Denton Deere suggest could use plastic surgery on his/her face?

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