jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2012

Body Worlds

I hope you are all enjoying your week of no homework :) I am sure you are all being responsible and studying every night so you can do great on your midterms.

If you want to go to Body Worlds after your last exam on Thursday, December 20th at 2pm, please confirm with a parent and bring in a signed slip saying that you can go. If a parent wants to accompany you, they are more than welcome. Remember, this is not a school field trip, so you are all responsible to provide your own transportation, and bring the money (360 pesos) when you arrive at Agora Mall at the Body Worlds exhibit on the first floor. If you want to bring any extra money for food after it is your choice. I hope to see you all there.

PS- Remember I am collecting toys for Christmas presents for children at a local orphanage, so if you have any toys, or even kids clothes that you no longer use, please bring it in and spread some Christmas cheer to those in need!

martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012


Señores!!! Una ayudita al año no hace daño!!!

Párate de la computadora, ve a la cocina, saca un par de latas de comida y ponlas adentro de tu mochila!

Con un pequeño esfuerzo puedes hacer una GRAN diferencia!!!! Dale!! Hazlo AHORA!!!!!!!! que después se te olvida!

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

Body Worlds, Thursday, December 20th

If you are interested in meeting at Agora Mall on Thursday, December 20th at 2pm, to see the Body Worlds exhibit, ask your parents if you are able to go and if they would also like to attend. This will be the day of your last exam, after you finish it. We need at least 20 people to attend and an official list of people. Please bring back written permission from your parents. You will need to provide yourself with your own transportation. The fee is 360 pesos per person.

Mobile Lab: Monday, December 3rd

Goal: Identify the 12 types of comprehension in a news article, and identify figurative language in a poem

Use http://www.timeforkids.com/ to find a news article that is interesting to you. Write a list of the 12 types of comprehension and apply them to this article.

Use http://www.poetry4kids.com/poems to find a poem that you like. Identify and figurative language you see in this poem.

jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012

The Hindenberg

Goal: Turn the non-fictional historical event of "The Hindenberg Explosion" into a to historical fiction short story.

Using the story map you created in class (listing 2-3 character descriptions, a setting description and short plot summary), write a 2-4 paragraph short story about the Hindenberg explosion.


Workbook p. 49

miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Thanksgiving :)

Earth Science

Class Material for your Binder ( you can print or copy on your binder)

How latitude and longitude are used to identify locations on Earth.
¡  Lines running parallel to the equator are called lines of latitude. Latitude is the distance, measured in degrees either north or south of the equator.
¡  The equator is at 0° latitude, and the poles are each at 90° latitude.
¡  The equator is an imaginary line around Earth exactly halfway between the north and the south poles. It separates Earth into two equal halves called the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere.
¡  The vertical lines have two names the meridians and lines of longitude. Just as the equator is used as a reference point for lines of latitude, there is a reference point for lines of longitude.
¡  The prime meridian, this imaginary line represents 0° longitude. The astronomers decided the prime meridian should go through the Greenwich.
¡  Longitude refers to distances in degrees east or west of the prime meridian. 
¡  Time is measured by tracking Earth’s movement in relation to the Sun. Each day has 24 hours, so the Earth is divided into 24 time zones. Each time zone is about 15° of longitude wide and is 1 hour different from the zones on each side of it.
¡  The United States have six different time zones:
¡  Pacific Standard Time
¡  Mountain Standard Time
¡  Central Standard Time
¡  Eastern Standard Time
¡  Alaska Standard Time
¡  Hawaii Standard Time

The International Date Line is the transition line for calendar days.

Earth Science


Because everyone wants to measure their day with the sun being at its highest point at midday, scientists came up with the idea to divide the earth into different time zones. There are 24 hours in a day, so there are 24 time zones. The time is the same everywhere within one time zone, but different to all the other time zones. When you move from one time zone to the next one, you change your watch by one hour. If you are traveling in an easterly direction you move your watch one hour forwards, if you are moving in a westerly direction you move it one hour backwards.
·  New York is west of London, and they are separated by 5 time zones.
·  This means that when it is midday in New York it is 5 pm in London.
·  When it is midday in London it is 7 am in New York. 

You can try this yourself, first read the instructions:

·  Note the time on the clock. This is the time in London.
·  In the right-hand box, select USA/Eastern USA.
·  Watch how the bar moves to the left and the red spot shows -GMT 05:00
·  Notice how the time has changed on the clock. It shows 5 hours earlier.


martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012


Workbook p. 47 #1-6
                 p. 48 #19-25

Richard Peck

Due Thursday: Read pages 4-5 in textbook about Richard Peck and answer the following questions:

1. Does he write fiction or nonfiction?
2. Who is his biggest inspiration?
3. Which fictional characters were his favorite?
4. Use context clues to define dialogue.
5. What is Peck's secret to being a successful author?

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012


Finish Ch. 4 Quiz

Test reminder

Just a reminder that your geography test is on Wedbesday. Review entire chapter (pgs 40-56) and all vocabulary.

Parts of Speech

  • Finish Parts of Speech Brainpop activity if you didn't in class.
Username: eduintegral
Password: mccchs2012

  • Sign Literature test and paste in n.b.'s

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

Mobile Lab: Parts of Speech

Don't worry, there is no homework on the long weekend! This is for mobile lab on Monday.
You will need to use your notebooks alongside the computers. I will explain the activity in class.

Goal: to identify, label and classify nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.



review quiz:

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

Earth Science

Make a map from your house to the school using the map legend, time zone, and mention if you are coming from North, South, East or West.  You can use colors to help viewing it better.

Ciencias Sociales

Ejercicios 3 y 4 de la P-67 Libro de Sociales. Entregar miércoles 21/11. Recuerda también la tarea de Cívica.

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

Examen de Español

¡Hola niños (as)!!!

Recuerden que para el examen de mañana deben estudiar:

- Acento diacrítico
- Oraciones simples y compuestas
- Recursos expresivos o figuras literarios

Write a fictional short story

Using one of the non-fiction examples you wrote in class today for inspiration, write a fictional short story. Remember, all great fictional authors base their fiction off of something that inspires them in real life, so do the same!

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012


Copiar y Responder en la mascota, las preguntas de la sección
 "PLAN DE TRABAJO"  ( Qué vas a hacer? ) de la P-19 de tu Libro de Cívica. Entrega: miércoles 21/11.

Weekend assignment

Remember: Spend time with the people that matter and tell the people in your life how much they mean to you. Be thankful for all you have!

P.S. We'll miss you Samir!

Geography Test: Chapter 3

Our Chapter 3 Geography test will be on Wed., Nov. 28th. Review entire chapter (pgs 40-56) and all vocabulary.

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

Health Fitness video project

Due: Thursday, November 29th

You may work alone or in groups of maximum 3 people

Create a workout video or video teaching a skill/skills of a sport. The video needs to be a minimum of 5 minutes long (it may be longer, not shorter). You need to lead the video and teach viewers about your exercise. Explain what you're doing and how it benefits your body.

Ideas: Zumba, yoga, pilates, aerobics, soccer moves, judo, gymnastics, dance, swimming, etc.

Leading and teaching: 5 points
Organization and creativity: 5 points
Preparation and/or teamwork: 5 points

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

Debate preparation

To prepare for your debate on Friday, you must bring in information about your subject (Socialism or Capitalism). You need to write 10 facts in your notebooks i.y.o.w. (in your own words) in order to be a successful debater.

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012

Ciencias Sociales

Estudiar bien las páginas del Libro de Sociales 42,43 y 44 para realizar una práctica. Analiza bien los siguientes puntos:
a- Características de los dos estados haitianos.
b-Factores de la crisis de Boyer.
c-Problema que provocaron el Movimiento de La Reforma.
d-Actitud de los domonicanos ante La Reforma.

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012


Workbook p. 41, 42 #7-24

Religions of the World Chart

Due Wednesday:
Finish "Religions of the World" chart that you began in class.

Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Confucianism

Symbol, What I know, What I want to know, Location, What I've Learned

Westing Game final project


Choose one or create your own:
1. (2 people) Create a board game including events, places and characters. Include a booklet explaining the rules.
2. (1 person) Create 5-10 diary entries from one character.
3. (2 people) Illustrate (with one caption per illustration) a "character changes" chart using: Angela, Grace, Chris, Mr. Hoo, Turtle and Jake Wexler. Use different time periods: October 31st, November 15th, 25 years later.
4. (2-3 people) Make a 3D model of Sunset towers and/or the Westing Mansion. Include characters.
5. (1 person) Create an original book jacket with your own plot synopsis/ reviews.
6. (3 people) Videotape one scene or make a trailer for a Westing movie.
7. (1 person) Change the story by creating your own character.
8. (1 person) Re-write one chapter.
9. (1 person) Write your own ending.
10. Create your own idea!

Grading Rubric
Creativity (3)
Relates to book (2)
Shows insight/ understanding (5)

Due tomorrow: 1 paragraph description of what your project will be.

Westing Game reflection

Due typed and printed on Wednesday!

Minimum 5 sentences per paragraph. Start each paragraph with a TOPIC SENTENCE!

Paragraph 1: Your review: what did you think of the book? What was your favorite/ least favorite part?

Paragraph 2: If you could change one thing, what would it be? Describe.

Paragraph 3: Which character did you connect with the most? Describe that character and how they changed throughout the book.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012

Evaluación de "El principito" - Mrs. Cruceta

¡Hola niños!!

Les recuerdo que para el próximo lunes 12, vamos a evaluar el libro "El principito"

Westing Game final test

First of all, congratulations on finishing "The Westing Game" You should all be very proud! We will have our final test on WG Thursday, November 15th.. Review vocab and all your notes and questions from the chapters.

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012


Buscar en el periódico o revista un artículo que ejemplifique el cumplimiento de los Derechos Culturales en RD. Resalta el tipo de actividad , quién la realiza o la organiza y cuál es el objetivo de esa actividad. Recórtalo y pégalo en la mascota. Fecha de Entrega: miércoles 14/11.

Migration Journal entry

1 Paragraph:
How does population migration affect the community you live in? Describe with examples...

Chapter's 26 & 27

Chapter 26:
1. Who is the new young lawyer in Judge Ford's court?
2. Why is everyone surprised when Otis Amber testifies?
3. Who are the three people who hired Otis Amber?
4. Why did Turtle secretly smile when she heard Dr. Deere say Sandy was still alive when Dr. Sikes got there?
5. According to Turtle’s witnessing eyes, what did Crow fill Sandy’s flask with?
6. Judge Ford believed that Sam Westing had assumed two disguises or identities. Who were they?

Chapter 27:
1. What announcement does E.J. Plum make to the heirs?
2. What does the will state is supposed to happen to Sunset Towers?
3. Why does Turtle say, "Hurry up, Uncle Sam, I can't keep up this act much longer"? What does she know?
4. Which heir finally solves the puzzle and wins the Westing Game?
5. What are the names of Mr. Westing’s four identities?

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Chapter's 24 & 25

Chapter 24 (classwork):
1. What does the chapter’s title “Wrong, All Wrong” refer to?
2. Which heir does Judge Ford believe is actually Sam Westing?
3. Using the clues provided, who does Sydelle Pulaski announce as the murderer?
4. What happens to Sandy after Judge Ford’s realization?
5. What does Crow confess to at the end of the chapter?

Chapter 25 (homework):
1. What does Denton Deere accuse Turtle of doing to Sandy McSouthers?
2. How does Turtle respond to his accusation?
3. What, according to Judge Ford, is the famous Westing trap that they all have fallen for?
4. Why does Judge Ford repeatedly call herself stupid?
5. What is the significance of November 15, the day of their meeting?

Journal response (1 paragraph):
What do you think the heirs are going to discover about the Westing game? Who do you think can/ will win? Explain...

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

Earth Science


Ms. Recalde


Ch. 3 Test Thursday

Chapter 23: Strange Answers

Vocabulary: Write the definition in nb's, and write one sentence with each word.
1. Regally- Fancy or splendid.
2. Ethnic- A group of people sharing a common and distinctive culture, religion, and language.
3. Ornithologist- A zoologist who studies birds.
4. Slurred- To speak unclearly, or combine wrods together into one.
5. Flask- A flat metal or glass bottle for carrying in the pocket.
1. What did Otis mean by the phrase, "The turtle's lost its tail"?
2. What did Turtle convince Angela not to do?
3. What did the heirs receive in their envelopes?
4. Who do Angela and Sydelle believe is the murderer (their answer to the game)?
5. Who did Denton Deere suggest could use plastic surgery on his/her face?

Ciencias Sociales

Leer cuidadosamente en la P-50 del Libro Sociales "Rincón de Lectura" y después copiar y responder en la mascota las preguntas que se orientan.
Hacer la Sopa de Letras de la P-52 del Libro Sociales.
Recuerda la Tarea de Cívica.
Fecha de Entrega: miércoles 7/11

viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012


Para conocer mejor sobre los Derechos Culturales y lo que estos defienden dentro de la Cultura Dominicana, investiga y explica el origen  y lo que son:
A- El Carnaval Dominicano
B- Los Palos y Atabales
C- El Merengue
Fecha de Entrega: miércoles 6/11

Chapter 21: The Fourth Bomb

Vocab: Definition & Sentence for each
1. Fuming
2. Blackmail
3. Meticulous
4. Juvenile
5. Remedy

1. What does Theo want to borrow from Turtle?
2. After much secrecy, what is Judge Ford's Westing connection?
3. Why does Judge Ford think that Sam Westing paid for her education?
4. What was on the backside of the bomber's note?
5. Who confesses to the bombings in Judge Ford’s apartment?

Which character has impressed you the most with their surprising kindness? Describe why...

Earth Science

TEST Wednesday Nov. 7th -Rocks and Minerals

Have a Great Weekend!
Ms. Recalde





jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2012


Workbook p. 37

"The Westing Game" Chapter 20: Confessions

Chapter 20 Vocabulary and Questions
If you did not finish in class, the following is homework...

Define and write a sentence with:

1. What do Turtle and Baba decide to do with their shares?
2. Why didn't Doug's feet hurt anymore?
3. Why was Theo at the hospital?
4. Why did George Theodorakis struggle telling Judge Ford the story of Violet Westing?
5. Who does Judge Ford believe must be protected and why?

miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

Hurricane Sandy News Report

Current Events: Hurricane Sandy

Become a journalist and write an article with a heading and subheading about Hurricane Sandy. Include information about:
  • Where it happened
  • The devastating effects it had
  • A description of what it was
  • What the government and or citizens are doing/can do to help
  • Add a photo (from the internet, newspaper or hand drawn.)

martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

Art Class

Remember to bring recycle materials for the Christmas Project.
Periódicos, revistas, hojas, papeles (impresos o no), sobres comunes o de papel madera, facturas, formularios, etc.  Cajas, carpetas, folletos, guías telefónicas, envases de cartón, envolturas de snacks (frito lays, etc),  cajas de cornflakes y galletas de soda
·         Vidrios y metales:
Envases de alimentos y bebidas, latas y envases de aluminio
·         Textiles:
Algodón, lino o cualquier material textil
·         Plásticos:
Envases de comida y bebida, vasos y cubiertos descartables, fundas plásticas de supermercado (negras, rojas y verdes
·         Otros:

Conos de rollos de papel (baño, tape, papel toalla),  CDs, corchos, tapas( de agua, botellones, refrescos, jugos, pringles, compotas, aderezos, etc)

Ciencias Sociales

*Completar fotocopia con diagrama de Venn sobre los Reinos Haitianos después
  de la Revolución , con la  información P-42 Libro Sociales. Y las Actividades
  de la P-43 Libro de Sociales, hacer biografías cortas. Todo pegado en la mascota.
  Fecha de Entrega: jueves 2/11

*Del calendario de efemérides de la P-17 Libro Cívica, investiga sobre las dos
  celebraciones del mes de octubre y explica por qué son importantes
  (1 párrafo para cada una). Fecha de Entrega : Jueves 2/11

Tarea de Español - Mrs. Cruceta

¡Hola chicos/as!!

La tarea que deben hacer para la próxima clase es:
Recortar un artículo periodístico breve y extraer de éste cinco palabras agudas, cinco graves o llanas y cinco esdrújulas.

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

Health Test: Unit 1

We will have a health test on Thursday on everything we have covered this unit: Understanding Health and Wellness, pg 2-33.

Earth Science

Homework for Wednesday:

Complete the questions on the Laboratory handout, make sure you use the lab experiment from today and also internet sources.

Ms. Recalde


Workbook p. 33 and 34 #1-8

Y.V.O.S. due Wednesday

Y.V.O.S. final printed project is due Wednesday. (http://7b-mcschool.blogspot.com/2012/10/write-your-own-story-project.html) The project needs to be printed when you come to class or it will be late. We will be working on the project in mobile lab, anything you don't finish in class you will need to finish and print at home.

I can't wait to read all of your wildly creative mysteries!

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012


                                                                                                                                                                                       25 de octubre del 2012
Estimados Padres:                                                                  
Por medio de la presente les informamos que la Ministra de Educación canceló docencia en el día de mañana para todo el territorio nacional debido a las condiciones climatológicas.
Aprovechamos la ocasión para comunicarles que el intercambio de dulces (Nido-5th grade)las actividades del Haunted House a cargo de 11th grade y el Bake Sale de 8th grade pautados para mañana, han sido pospuestos para el miércoles 7 de noviembre.

Las actividades de Spirit Week se mantienen en las fechas estipuladas.
La Dirección
Ver comunicado de la Ministra de Educación

October 25th, 2012
Dear Parents,
We would like to inform you that due to the weather conditions, the Ministry of education has cancelled classes for tomorrow Friday.
We will have the candies exchange (Preschool/Elementary), the Haunted House (11th grade) and the Bake Sale (8th grade) on Wednesday, November 7th.
Spirit Week will be carried out at the stipulated dates.
The Administration
Ministry of Education announcement