viernes, 5 de abril de 2013

Immigrant Strikers Newspaper Article

Use the information in "Los Esparragos" to write an article pretending to be a journalist from the year 1931. You are informing the public about what has been happening with the strikes at the labor camps. Remember, the readers are hearing about this for the first time, so you have to be specific and use detailed topic sentences. Write your article in the present tense, pretending that the strike is currently happening.

Title: "Immigrant Strikers at Labor Camps" (or you may think of your own creative title)

Your article must include:
- Topic sentences
- Why the strikers are striking
- What the strikers are doing
- "Voluntary" Deportation/ sending U.S. citizens to Mexico for the first time
- Separation from families
- Minimum 2 paragraphs

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