martes, 30 de abril de 2013

Final problem/ solution/ fruit significance chart

Make sure your problem/ solution/ fruit significance chart is finished in your notebook, and on a different page, add a section for the final problem and solution. Describe what the main problem is in the book, and how it got resolved throughout the story. Also explain the general importance of fruits and vegetables in the story.

Tarea de Español - Ms Cruceta

¡Hola chicos/as!

Para la próxima clase deben conjugar los verbos tener y bailar en todos los tiempos del modo indicativo


Study Lessons 10.1-10.4, Percents and Inequalities

Ciencias Sociales

Ejercicio (2) P-173  Libro Sociales y en el cuaderno una  reseña biográfica de Juan Bautista Alfonseca donde se destaque la época en que vivió y su importancia dentro de la cultura dominicana.
Fecha de Entrega: miércoles 1/5, no olviden las tareas pendientes que están publicadas desde la semana pasada.

viernes, 26 de abril de 2013


Lee con detenimiento la P-70 de tu Libro de Cívica, haz una definición de Política según lo que se explica en el primer párrafo del texto y cópiala en tu cuaderno. Analiza con cuidado los planteamientos de Gregorio Luperón con relación a la política y después realiza el "Reflexionemos" de la P-71 , también en tu cuaderno.
Fecha de Entrega: miércoles 1/5.

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

Salut à tous :
Nous continuons cette semaine avec les
exercices qui sont à  la page 64 et 65 
Bonne chance et bon week-end
Mme Coplin

Ciencias Sociales

Ya terminó la Feria Científica por eso deben traer para mañana viernes las tareas que pospusimos:
- Ejercicios 2 y 5 de la P-153 Libro Sociales
- Características y Ejemplos del Comportamiento Etico en la mascota,  información de la P-69 Libro Cívica
Los que no entregaron la información sobre el  Día de la Tierra el lunes, pueden obtener la mitad de los puntos.

martes, 23 de abril de 2013

Math: Find Area of Parallelograms

This is your  math classwork, if you don't finish it in class, do it for hw.

Tarea de Español - Ms. Cruceta

¡Hola chicos/as!

Para la próxima clase deben conjugar los verbos dormir y jugar en los tiempos simples del modo  indicativo

lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

Ancient Greek god or goddess

Research 1 ancient Greek god or goddess and write 1 paragraph about them, include a picture, either printed or drawn.


Workbook p. 143

Pam Munoz Ryan

Finish reading the author "Q&A" section at the end of Esperanza. There will be questions about this on your test on Friday, so you will need to read all of it.

viernes, 19 de abril de 2013

Geography Mobile Lab: Monday, April 22nd

Goal: Use mobile lab to research upcoming geography project. Final due date is Tuesday, May 7th.

Cultural Fair Geography Project:

Choose at least 1 country in Europe (or Russia) and research its culture. You will be presenting at least one element of its culture: music/ dance, food, language, history/ religion, places to go (nature/ architecture) in your own creative way. Must include a detailed written response describing your country and its culture. Group size: 2-3.

1. Research a recipe: Bring the cooked recipe to class, accompanied with an essay describing the food and history of food in your country.

2. Around the world: Plan a Euro-trip, choosing a couple of countries to research. Map out how you will travel from country to country (train, boat, plane, etc) and research the places to go in each country. You can create a poster of your final map, with paragraphs about each country/ place to go.

3. Music and dance performance: Research classical music of a specific country and learn the traditional dance to go along with it. You may also wear clothes that represent the country or dance. Include a written explanation of the countries history of music and dance, focusing on the specific music and dance you presented.

4.Teach us a new language: Learn some basic words and phrases in your countries language and plan a lesson teaching us the language. You may bring in printed copies for each student and have us practice in class. Lesson must be 5-10 minutes long.

5. Re-enactment of history: Research a particular historical event (a war, a speech, a key-person, etc.) and re-enact it in class. Include a written response explaining the event you re-enact.

 6. Your own idea: Come up with your own idea and let me know!

Upcoming Esperanza dates

Esperanza Final Test: Friday, April 26th

Esperanza Final project due: Tuesday, April 30th

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013


En la P-69 del Libro de Cívica están las características del comportamiento ético. Cópialas en tu mascota, analiza bien la explicación que dan sobre ellas,  y pon un ejemplo de cada una con situaciones reales.
Fecha de Entrega: miércoles 24/4.


Workbook p. 131, 132

Compare real life Esperanza to fictional Esperanza

Finish reading the "Author's Note" at the end of Esperanza Rising. Fill out a 3 part chart comparing real life Esperanza to fictional Esperanza and listing their similarities. Use that chart to write a 3 paragraph comparison reflection of the 2 Esperanza's.

miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013


Workbook p. 127, 128

Contraction homework

1. Fill out the following chart about contractions:
  Examples of Contractions:
are not =
cannot =
could not =
did not =
do not =
does not =
had not =
have not =
he is  =
he has =
he will =
he would =
here is =
I am =
I have =
I will =
I would =
is not =
it is =
it has =
it will =
she is =
she has =
she will =
she would =
should not =
that is =
there is =
they are =
they have =
they will =
they would =
was not =
we are =
we have =
we will =
we would  =
were not =
what is =
where is =
who is =
who will =
*will not =
would not =
you are =
you have =
you will =
you would =
you had =

2. Read Esperanza Rising Project Ideas, and choose your project topic. You may work in groups of 1-3 depending on the level of content your project will contain. We will discuss the project due date in class tomorrow.

martes, 16 de abril de 2013


Workbook p. 93

Esperanza Rising Final Project

Esperanza Rising Project Ideas
1.      Try making one of these foods from the novel, with a 1 page written reflection describing the recipe and its importance in the novel:
- coconut, lime, and papaya salad
- flour tortillas and salsa
- pepinos (sliced cucumbers with lemon juice sprinkled with chile powder and salt)

2.      Create a yarn doll or crochet a blanket with a 1 page written reflection describing your process of making it and its importance in the novel.

3.      Esperanza Rising play or movie: Must include a printed script, below is a break-down of the major scenes:
- Scene 1: Esperanza's excitement for her birthday celebration is dashed when she learns of her father's death.
- Scene 2: Esperanza and family travel on a train from Mexico to California
-Scene 3: Esperanza's efforts at sweeping bring her public humiliation and earn her the nickname, "Cenicienta" (Cinderella).
- Scene 4: A dust storm threatens the well being of Esperanza's family and leaves her mother sick with Valley Fever.
- Scene 5: The strikers intimidate the farm workers but are soon swept out by La Migra.
- Scene 6: Esperanza discovers that Miguel has run off with her hard-earned money. Miguel eventually returns with Abuelita, restoring Esperanza's hopes for the future.

4.      Write an I AM poem about Esperanza Rising  using the following as a guideline:
First Stanza
Information and thoughts about Esperanza's life in Mexico
Information and thoughts about Esperanza's family
Information and thoughts about the Mexican Revolution
Second Stanza
Information and thoughts about Esperanza's life in the migrant camp
Information and thoughts about the Great Depression
Information and thoughts about her life as a Mexican farm laborer

Third Stanza
Esperanza's personal setbacks
Her growth as a character
Her sources of strength and encouragement

5.      Write an Esperanza Rising part II, continuing her life 20 years later. 2 pages types.

6.      Draw and reflect on the main characters: Create a character illustration poster including at least 5 main characters, including 1 paragraph per character and drawings of each character.

7.      Setting comparison: Create a poster (or 3d sculpture) with a drawing of Rancho de Las Rosas, Aguascalientes and a drawing of Esperanza’s home in the migrant labor camps. Include 1 paragraph to go with each drawing.

8.      Problem/ Solution rose thorns: Draw or create a large rose with 8 thorns. Identify one problem on each thorn, and describe the solution to that problem. Be descriptive.

9.      Create your own project idea: Be creative and come up with your own idea!

Mobile Lab: Wednesday, April 17th

Watch the brain pop video about contractions and complete the activity that goes along with it. Fill out the following chart in your notebooks:

Examples of Contractions:
are not =
cannot =
could not =
did not =
do not =
does not =
had not =
have not =
he is  =
he has =
he will =
he would =
here is =
I am =
I have =
I will =
I would =
is not =
it is =
it has =
it will =
she is =
she has =
she will =
she would =
should not =
that is =
there is =
they are =
they have =
they will =
they would =
was not =
we are =
we have =
we will =
we would  =
were not =
what is =
where is =
who is =
who will =
*will not =
would not =
you are =
you have =
you will =
you would =
you had =

When you finish, discuss your final project idea.

Las Uvas final reflection

Congrats on finishing your third book of the school year!

Answer both questions with 1 paragraph each. Paragraphs must be minimum 5 sentences, starting with a TOPIC SENTENCE!

1. How did the story end, what was the real meaning behind the ending?

2. If you could change one part of the story, what would it be? Describe...

Ciencias Sociales

Investiga sobre la personalidad política de Ulises Heureaux,  y prepara un informe de 1 hoja máximo , donde expliques por qué se le considera un dictador.
Fecha de Entrega: miércoles 17/4.
No olvides la tarea de Cívica !!!

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

Las Uvas vocabulary

Definitions and sentences:
 p 237: perspiration
p 237: routine
p 237: shorthanded
p 243: uttered
p 243: exclamations
p 251: wilderness

Map of Russia

Finish your map of Russia with 5 city descriptions/ drawings for next class.

If you want to access the map of Europe we used during mobile lab to practice studying for your Tuiz, you can find it here

viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

Mobile Lab: Monday, April 15th

Take the Chapter 14 self-test until you get a 10/10

Practice labeling the map of Europe here:
Make sure to read every description before you go on to the next country

You can practice labeling the map at all different levels by clicking any part of the country section on this page:

jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

Why Teens Use Tobacco chart/ project info

For homework finish your counter argument charts about "Why Teens Use Tobacco"

Also, your project due date was moved to next Thursday, April 18th.
You can find inspiration for your project on
Below is a list of some of the video's we watched in class...

Chapter 14 Geography Tuiz

We will have our Tuiz on Chapter 14 next Friday, April 19th. 

The Tuiz will include:
All information we have covered in this chapter (pages 260-270)
A map of Europe (countries and bodies of water)
All key terms and places (listed below)

Key Terms
Fossil fuels

Key Places
Ural Mountains
North Sea
Ruhr Valley

Interview with Esperanza

For tomorrow, bring in your 10-12 question interview with Esperanza. Your interview needs to have well-thought questions as well as answers that are minimum 2 sentences each. We will be performing interviews tomorrow in class, so you must have the final printed version ready for class.

martes, 9 de abril de 2013

Ciencias Sociales

Preparar en la mascota un cuadro de las Bases del Antillanismo con información de la p-129 Libro Sociales. Fecha de Entrega miércoles 10/4. Recuerden además la tarea de Cívica.

Mobile Lab: Wednesday, April 10th

An Interview With Esperanza Ortega, Migrant Farm Worker 

GOAL: What was the migrant camp experience like for Esperanza and the thousands of real Mexican farm laborers who crossed the border in the 1930's? Your task is to research, develop, and present a "live" interview with Esperanza Ortega. The purpose of your interview is give your audience an understanding of the day-to-day challenges faced by Mexican migrants. Your interview must include 10 well-developed questions and answers.

To draw inspiration for your interview, listen to the taped interviews of Jose Flores and Augustus Martinez, two Mexican migrant workers interviewed in the 1930's. Esperanza Ortega is a "somewhat fictional character" (author Pam Munoz Ryan created Esperanza from her recollections of stories her grandmother told her about her own migration from Mexico to the fields of California). Jose Flores and Augustus Martinez, however, are real characters who labored as migrant farm-workers during the 1930's, just like Esperanza. Their interviews are now online at the Library of Congress's Voices of the Dust Bowl Collection: Interviews with Jose Flores and Augustus Martinez.