miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013

Natalie Babbit biography questions

Finish the mobile lab activity that we began in class. You should be able to answer all the questions on your own at this point, but if you need to access the pdf file, you have to log onto your MC gmail account (username: mcschool7a, password: mrsllu7a) and download the "Tuck Everlasting" file.


1. When she was a child, what did Natalie Babbit want to grow up to be?
2. What was the first book cover Babbit illustrated?
3. How did the author of this biography describe the book "Tuck Everlasting"?
4. Describe Winnie Foster...
5. What other famous novel do people compare "Tuck" to?
6. Treegap is based on the real-life town of __________. Describe this town.
7. Write your own 1-2 paragraph fantasy story about living forever.

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