jueves, 31 de enero de 2013

Geography Tuiz tomorrow

Study for Tuiz on Chapter 9, sections 1, 2 and 3.

Study all vocabulary, all of the notes in notebooks, review the sections in the book, and practice labeling maps of Latin America.

Chapters 10 and 11

Vocabulary (write definition only):
1. Pitiless
2. Homely
3. Perilous
4. Disarray
5. Revolutionary
6. Hastily
7. Elation
8. Decisively

1. In 2-3 sentences, compare the Tuck's cottage to the Foster's cottage.
2. What things to Mae and Tuck make and sell?
3. How long have the Tuck's lived in their current home?
4. What do Miles and Jesse do when they go away for ten years?
5. What were the "table rules" during mealtime for the Tuck's?
6. Where was Angus going to take Winnie to tell her his secrets?

Extra Credit:
Based on the imagery in chapter 10, draw the Tuck's cottage. Include a quote from the chapter or your own caption.

miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013


Workbook p. 65 #1-9

Chapters 1-8 response homework

Use the "Tuck Everlasting" file located in your MC gmail account. Answer all questions on page 8 in the pdf (you must download the pdf to view page 8), you may omit question 7.

Either print the file and paste it in your notebook, or email it to me: a.lluberes@mcschool.edu.do

martes, 29 de enero de 2013

Mobile Lab: Wednesday, January 30th

Use the "Tuck Everlasting" file located in your MC gmail account. Answer all questions on page 8 in the pdf: Responding to chapter's 1-8 (you may omit question 7).

Email me the file at the end of the class: a.lluberes@mcschool.edu.do

Chapter's 8-9

Chapter's 6-9 vocabulary (definition and sentence):
1. astonishing
2. fidgeted
3. dismay
4. peculiar
5. scornful
6. vigorous
7. dazzling 

Chapter's 8 and 9 questions:
1. Which Tuck was Winnie's favorite?
2. Who eavesdropped the whole story?
3. How does Angus feel when he finds out Winnie knows the truth?

Ciencias Sociales

Preguntas 2 y 3 de las Actividades de la P-101 Libro de Sociales. Copiar y responder en la mascota.
Fecha de Entrega : miércoles 30/1/13.

lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

Earth Science

Homework for Wednesday:
3 examples of mechanical wethering and 3 examples of chemical weathering (all examples with pictures or drawings)

(On your binder)

viernes, 25 de enero de 2013

Geography mobile lab, Monday, January 28th

Goal: Use mobile lab to quiz your chapter 9 skills.

1. Click the following link and complete the quiz. Keep trying until you get all of the answers correct.
Chapter 9 online quiz

2. When you finish, choose one of the following places to research, The Amazon, or The Andes.

If you choose The Amazon, use the information you gather to write a reflection discussing your views and ideas about conservation, preservation, and sustainable use of the rainforests.

If you choose The Andes, use the information you gather to write a reflection about the wildlife, vegetation, and climate of this long mountain chain in South America.

Chapter 9 Tuiz

We will have a Tuiz on Chapter 9, sections 1, 2 and 3 next Friday, February 1st about the geography of Latin America.

"Tuck" Chapter's 4 and 5

Chapter 4:
Vocabulary (definition and sentence)
1. Jaunty
2. Marionette
3. Suspiciously
4. Graceful

1. What was the man in the yellow suit asking Winnie and her Granny about?
2. What does Granny think is making the music?
3. What or who do you predict the man in the yellow suit is looking for?

Chapter 5:
Vocabulary (definition and sentence)
1. Cottage
2. Precisely
3. Disheartened
4. Timidly
5. Coward

1.Who did Winnie think was waiting for her in the wood?
2. How did the author describe Jesse Tuck physically?
3. How old did Jesse tell Winnie he was at first?
4. Why did Jesse tell Winnie not to drink from the fountain?
5. What did Mae mean when she said "Here it is. The worst is happening at last."?

jueves, 24 de enero de 2013


Investiga en internet sobre "Los Derechos de los Adolescentes en República Dominicana" y haz en tu mascota, manuscrito, un informe sobre los documentos legales que los contienen, reflejando:
1- Nombre de los documentos y  fecha de emisión.
2- Planteamientos principales de cada uno de ellos.
Fecha de Entrega: miércoles 31/1.

"Tuck Everlasting" Chapter's 2 & 3

Write questions and answers in notebooks

Chapter 2:
1. What was Angus Tuck's favorite dream?
2. How do Mae and Angus Tuck's viewpoints about their situation differ?
3. What unexpected item does Mae bring with her on her journey to Treegap, and why does she bring it?
4. At this point in the story, how long have the Tuck's been "everlasting"?

Chapter 3:
1. How many siblings does Winnie Foster have?
2. What is Winnie so frustrated about?
3. What is Winnie secretly planning to do?

miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013

Geography Chapter 9 key terms and key places

Write and define all of the key terms and key places listed in Chapter 9 section 2 (page173) and section 3 (page 176). Due Friday.


Finish Review Quiz; Test Friday (5.1-5.4)

Natalie Babbit biography questions

Finish the mobile lab activity that we began in class. You should be able to answer all the questions on your own at this point, but if you need to access the pdf file, you have to log onto your MC gmail account (username: mcschool7a, password: mrsllu7a) and download the "Tuck Everlasting" file.


1. When she was a child, what did Natalie Babbit want to grow up to be?
2. What was the first book cover Babbit illustrated?
3. How did the author of this biography describe the book "Tuck Everlasting"?
4. Describe Winnie Foster...
5. What other famous novel do people compare "Tuck" to?
6. Treegap is based on the real-life town of __________. Describe this town.
7. Write your own 1-2 paragraph fantasy story about living forever.

martes, 22 de enero de 2013

Ciencias Sociales

Recuerden el proyecto sobre Juan Pablo Duarte, es muy importante.

Vocabulary: Tuck chapter's 2 and 3

Define and write a sentence with the following words from chapter's 2 and 3

1. Melancholy
2. Tolerant
3. Resentful
4. Anxiously

Mobile Lab: Wednesday, January 23rd

Sign into your MC gmail account (username: mcschool7a, password: mrsllu7a)and download the "Tuck Everlasting" file. Read Natalie Babbit's biography and introduction to the book (pages 2-4) and respond to the following questions:

1. When she was a child, what did Natalie Babbit want to grow up to be?
2. What was the first book cover Babbit illustrated?
3. How did the author of this biography describe the book "Tuck Everlasting"?
4. Describe Winnie Foster...
5. What other famous novel do people compare "Tuck" to?
6. Treegap is based on the real-life town of __________. Describe this town.
7. Write your own 1-2 paragraph fantasy story about living forever.

Ciencias Sociales

Ejercicios 1,2,3 y 4 de la P-83 Libro de Sociales.
Fecha de Entrega: miércoles 23/1/2013
Próximo martes 29 hay Evaluación de Sociales Unidad " La Economía en el S-XIX"

viernes, 18 de enero de 2013


Preguntas del " Reflexionemos " P-33 L.Cívica. Copiar y responder en la mascota. En el libro ejercicios 1 y 2 de la  P-40.
 Fecha de Entrega:miércoles 23/1

jueves, 17 de enero de 2013

Geography brochures due tomorrow

Reminder: Geography brochures due tomorrow.

Also, don't forget to email any files you owe me to my gmail account, ashleylluberes@gmail.com

"MK" and "My First Free Summer" comparison

Finish Venn Diagram and 3 paragraph comparison response to "MK" and "My First Free Summer"

Have Tuck Everlasting in class tomorrow.

miércoles, 16 de enero de 2013

Earth Science

Wednesday Jan 23th:
 Quiz on Chap. 18 -Reading Guide Lesson 1 and 2, including the Vocabulary

Earth Science

Wednesday Jan 23th:
 Quiz on Chap. 18 -Reading Guide Lesson 1 and 2, including the Vocabulary

Re-send final autobiographies

Due to the issue with the MCschool email accounts, I have not received any autobiographies or pictures for flag ceremony. Please re-send all files to ashleylluberes@gmail.com


martes, 15 de enero de 2013


Finish classwork p. 213 and 214 (#24, 30, 31-39, 44, 45)

Ciencias Sociales

Investiga en internet sobre qué es y el origen del tabaco, el cacao y el café. Haz un informe, a computadora, de un párrafo por cada uno y al final otro párrafo explicando la importancia de esos productos en la economía dominicana a partir del SXIX.

Fecha de Entrega miércoles 16/1/2013

Help 7b with flag ceremony pictures

7b will be creating a collage for flag ceremony about our value of the month, "relationships." If anyone from 7a has pictures of you and your classmates you would like me to print for the collage, please email them to: me at a.lluberes@mcschool.edu.do

Final Autobiography due tomorrow

Type up your final autobiographies for tomorrow. You do not need to print them, as they will be used on your computer class website, but make sure to email me and Ms. Acosta the final file.

Mrs. Llu: a.lluberes@mcschool.edu.do
Ms. Acosta: l.acosta@mcschool.edu.do

Earth Science

Types of Energy studied in class: 
  Energy from the sun, that is clean, inexhaustible and can be transformed into electricity by solar cells.
  Wind is unexhaustible energy resource that is used by windmills to produce energy.
     Electricity producesd by waterpowerusing large dams in a river.
      Inexhaustible energy resources that uses hot magma or hot, dry rocks from below earth’s surface to generate electricity.
 For your Homework look on the newspaper for something related to these Natural Resources (choose one, it can be anyone you find) then cut the article and paste it on your binder, with a brief explanation of what you understand of it.

Ms. Recalde

lunes, 14 de enero de 2013

Art Class - Homework (15/01/13)

Homework for tomorrow (15/01/13)

Investigate and Analyze about Jim Dine artwork and the Neo-Dada movement.

Google it!. Analyze her art work and the movement. You don't need to bring a bunch of print papers. I prefer that you take a half of a paper and write the important things. 

Ms. Lorena.-

Tarea de Español. Ms. Cruceta

¡Hola chicos/as!!

Para el próximo miércoles, deben investigar los significados de las palabras del vocabulario y escribir oraciones con ellas.

- oasis
- clímax
- cretino
- abstracto
- rosaleda
- alumnado
- sensatez
- optimismo
- plácido
- titubear


Textbook p. 213 #2-10
Workbook p. 58

viernes, 11 de enero de 2013

Body paragraphs due Monday

Use your story maps to continue writing your autobiography. Write 2-3 paragraphs for the "body" section. These paragraphs are about years 6-10, you may write a summary as well as a narrative experience describing an important moment in your life at that age. Make sure to use exciting topic sentences and proper paragraph format.




Investiga en Internet y haz un informe sobre : Declaración de Derechos del Niño de 1924, (lugar, fecha, paises participantes, acuerdos significativos, importancia), 1 hoja, manuscrita.

Entregar: miércoles 16/1/2013.
Recuerda la tarea de Sociales.!!!!

jueves, 10 de enero de 2013


Finish classwork
Workbook p. 56

Salut à  tous !
Pour cette semaine nous avons le devoir d’apporter  à notre prochaine  clase des ciseaux, bâton de  colle et crayons à couleurs.
À bientôt
Mme. Coplin

Introduction paragraphs due tomorrow

Use your story maps to write the first 2-3 paragraphs of your autobiography. Remember, this is about your first 5 years of life. Make sure to use exciting topic sentences and proper paragraph format.

miércoles, 9 de enero de 2013

Earth Science Homework for Friday.

Make a collage using two construction papers, one for Renewable Resources and another one for Non-renewable Resources.  (Pass by my room to get the construction paper please).

Ms. Recalde

Latin America places to go brochure project

Brochure project: Due Friday, January 18th
Use the word document in your MC gmail account (username: mcschool7a, password: mrsllu7a) to find out which place to go in Latin America you will be creating a tourist brochure before. Your brochure will include the following information:

Front cover: Title and picture

Back cover: Short description, name and picture

Inside  flap: Culture (Language, food, clothes, music, dance, etc.)
Note: you can research the country your place is located in for this section.

Location: Explanation of exact location and a map

History: Key dates, how long have people been going there, etc.

Travel/ Tourism: How to get there, where to stay, where to eat, etc.


Autobiography story maps

Story maps for your autobiography are due tomorrow. Remember, you will need to interview a parent in order to fill in all of the hazy details from your early years.

martes, 8 de enero de 2013


Workbook p. 55

Tuck Everlasting

Make sure to rent "Tuck Everlasting" by Natalie Babbit from the library by Thursday!

Tarea de Español - Ms. Cruceta

¡Hola chicos/as!!

Para la próxima clase deben investigar los significados de las siguientes palabras:
- homófonos
- vasta
- gravar
- grabar
- barón
- ascendencia
- deslumbrar
- imperar
- abstracción
- contrariedad
- sopor

Autobiography project

Due Wednesday, January 16th

You will be writing your very own autobiography, describing your own life story in unblemished detail. This autobiography will include an introduction, body and conclusion (explained in detail below). It will be used in your computer class as well for Ms. Acosta's website project. I can't wait to learn more about all of you as you continue to expand your writing skills!

Story map
You will need to interview a parent to get details about your birth and specific memories. Use this info to create a story map, mapping out in short details, the information below:

Introduction: Your first years, 2-3 paragraphs
P1: Include details such as a pregnancy story of your moms, your place of birth, the story of your birth, your first year.
P2: Where you lived and grew up, details of the members of your family and first friends.

Body: Childhood, 2-3 paragraphs
P1: Summary of years 5-10
P2: A narrative story, explaining one childhood memory in detail, using descriptive language.

Conclusion: Present day, 2-3 paragraphs
P1: Describe your life now.
P2: Talk about your plans for the future.

Make sure to use figurative language and new vocabulary as you write. Don't be intimidated by the length, each paragraph will be due separately, and we will spend a lot of time making sure every detail is correct and well written.