martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

The Westing Game: Chapters 9 & 10

Finish chapters 9 & 10 for homework and answer the following questions in full sentences. Make sure to write the questions in your notebooks:

Chapter 9:
1. Why is Turtle’s mom being so nice to her before the party?
2. What was happening at J. J. Ford's apartment that evening?
3. Give two examples from this chapter of Grace disliking Turtle and favoring Angela.
4. What did Judge Ford find out about Mr. Hoo over the phone?
Chapter 10:
1. Why was Grace on time for Judge Ford's party when normally she would arrive late?
2. Why does Angela become upset when everyone continually asks about Denton?
3. What is Chris looking for when he watches the party guests’ legs?
4. Who does Angela see when she rushes into Judge Ford's kitchen?

Vocabulary for these chapters:
  1. Defiantly
  2. Jabbering
  3. Paternal
  4. Embrace
  5. Humilation

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