jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2012

Body Worlds

I hope you are all enjoying your week of no homework :) I am sure you are all being responsible and studying every night so you can do great on your midterms.

If you want to go to Body Worlds after your last exam on Thursday, December 20th at 2pm, please confirm with a parent and bring in a signed slip saying that you can go. If a parent wants to accompany you, they are more than welcome. Remember, this is not a school field trip, so you are all responsible to provide your own transportation, and bring the money (360 pesos) when you arrive at Agora Mall at the Body Worlds exhibit on the first floor. If you want to bring any extra money for food after it is your choice. I hope to see you all there.

PS- Remember I am collecting toys for Christmas presents for children at a local orphanage, so if you have any toys, or even kids clothes that you no longer use, please bring it in and spread some Christmas cheer to those in need!

martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012


Señores!!! Una ayudita al año no hace daño!!!

Párate de la computadora, ve a la cocina, saca un par de latas de comida y ponlas adentro de tu mochila!

Con un pequeño esfuerzo puedes hacer una GRAN diferencia!!!! Dale!! Hazlo AHORA!!!!!!!! que después se te olvida!