miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

Hurricane Sandy News Report

Current Events: Hurricane Sandy

Become a journalist and write an article with a heading and subheading about Hurricane Sandy. Include information about:
  • Where it happened
  • The devastating effects it had
  • A description of what it was
  • What the government and or citizens are doing/can do to help
  • Add a photo (from the internet, newspaper or hand drawn.)

martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

Art Class

Remember to bring recycle materials for the Christmas Project.
Periódicos, revistas, hojas, papeles (impresos o no), sobres comunes o de papel madera, facturas, formularios, etc.  Cajas, carpetas, folletos, guías telefónicas, envases de cartón, envolturas de snacks (frito lays, etc),  cajas de cornflakes y galletas de soda
·         Vidrios y metales:
Envases de alimentos y bebidas, latas y envases de aluminio
·         Textiles:
Algodón, lino o cualquier material textil
·         Plásticos:
Envases de comida y bebida, vasos y cubiertos descartables, fundas plásticas de supermercado (negras, rojas y verdes
·         Otros:

Conos de rollos de papel (baño, tape, papel toalla),  CDs, corchos, tapas( de agua, botellones, refrescos, jugos, pringles, compotas, aderezos, etc)

Ciencias Sociales

*Completar fotocopia con diagrama de Venn sobre los Reinos Haitianos después
  de la Revolución , con la  información P-42 Libro Sociales. Y las Actividades
  de la P-43 Libro de Sociales, hacer biografías cortas. Todo pegado en la mascota.
  Fecha de Entrega: jueves 2/11

*Del calendario de efemérides de la P-17 Libro Cívica, investiga sobre las dos
  celebraciones del mes de octubre y explica por qué son importantes
  (1 párrafo para cada una). Fecha de Entrega : Jueves 2/11

Tarea de Español - Mrs. Cruceta

¡Hola chicos/as!!

La tarea que deben hacer para la próxima clase es:
Recortar un artículo periodístico breve y extraer de éste cinco palabras agudas, cinco graves o llanas y cinco esdrújulas.

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

Health Test: Unit 1

We will have a health test on Thursday on everything we have covered this unit: Understanding Health and Wellness, pg 2-33.

Earth Science

Homework for Wednesday:

Complete the questions on the Laboratory handout, make sure you use the lab experiment from today and also internet sources.

Ms. Recalde


Workbook p. 33 and 34 #1-8

Y.V.O.S. due Wednesday

Y.V.O.S. final printed project is due Wednesday. (http://7b-mcschool.blogspot.com/2012/10/write-your-own-story-project.html) The project needs to be printed when you come to class or it will be late. We will be working on the project in mobile lab, anything you don't finish in class you will need to finish and print at home.

I can't wait to read all of your wildly creative mysteries!

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012


                                                                                                                                                                                       25 de octubre del 2012
Estimados Padres:                                                                  
Por medio de la presente les informamos que la Ministra de Educación canceló docencia en el día de mañana para todo el territorio nacional debido a las condiciones climatológicas.
Aprovechamos la ocasión para comunicarles que el intercambio de dulces (Nido-5th grade)las actividades del Haunted House a cargo de 11th grade y el Bake Sale de 8th grade pautados para mañana, han sido pospuestos para el miércoles 7 de noviembre.

Las actividades de Spirit Week se mantienen en las fechas estipuladas.
La Dirección
Ver comunicado de la Ministra de Educación

October 25th, 2012
Dear Parents,
We would like to inform you that due to the weather conditions, the Ministry of education has cancelled classes for tomorrow Friday.
We will have the candies exchange (Preschool/Elementary), the Haunted House (11th grade) and the Bake Sale (8th grade) on Wednesday, November 7th.
Spirit Week will be carried out at the stipulated dates.
The Administration
Ministry of Education announcement

Computer Science

Hello everyone!

Due to school cancellation the test that was scheduled for today (Thursday, October 25th) has been moved to Monday, October 29th.

Have a safe weekend!

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Tarea de Español - Mrs. Cruceta

¡Hola chicos!!

Para el próximo jueves, deben copiar o pegar una carta de solicitud y señalar sus partes


*If you would like to purchase a Best Buddies T-Shirt remember to bring in the 400 pesos!  Thank you!*

Ciencias Sociales

Haz  un cuadro resumen con las Consecuencias de las Independencias Americanas. Usar información de la P-33 Libro de Sociales. Decóralo a tu gusto.Entregar miércoles 24/10 .
Recuerda la tarea de Cívica.!!!!!
Importante : Evaluación para el martes 30/10. Estudiar las páginas 28,29,30 y 31 del Libro de Sociales

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012


Workbook p. 30

Gography Chapter 2

  • Get Tuiz signed for Wednesday
  • List 10 renewable resources and 10 non renewable resources.
  • We will be having an open-book/notebook quiz on Chapter 2 next class, so make sure to come to class on time and prepared!

Chapter 19

Vocabulary: Write the word and definition in your notebooks, then write 1 sentence with each word.
Distorted- not truly or completely representing the facts or reality.
Vengeance- the desire for revenge.
Chronic- having long had a disease, habit or weakness.
Manipulated- to influence skillfully, especially in an unfair manner.

Comprehension Questions
1. Why did Turtle say she was listening to the radio in school?
2. Who does Otis Amber accuse of being responsible for the bombings?
3. Who is Crow referring to when she uses the term "foot butcher"?
4. What is a bookie? Which character is secretly a bookie?
5. Grace Wexler is not related to Sam Westing. Who is she related to?
6. According to the judge, what was Westing's first mistake?

Tarea de Español - Mrs. Cruceta

¡Hola chicos!!

La terea que deben hacer es: 
Investigar los significados de las palabras del vocabulario y escribir oraciones con ellas.
- solicitud
- promover
- sostenibilidad
- adjunto
- vincular
- instacia

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012


p. 88 #17-41
         #45, 46

p. 89 #55-60

Computer Science.

Test date: Next Thursday, October 25th.

Computer Networks - Network Topologies
Web Elements
Web Site Development Steps


Buscar una lámina o foto que ejemplifiquen  los 4 últimos Derechos Básicos de la
 P-11 Libro de Cívica, una por cada derecho, pegarla en la mascota con su correspondiente identificación.
Hacer la Autoevaluación de la P-16 del Libro de Cívica .Es muy importante porque será considerada como una Práctica así que no olvides hacerla!!!! . Entregar Miércoles 24/10

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

Health Vitamin and Mineral Chart

Click this link and use the Word document attached to complete a mobile lab activity we will be doing in class. http://mrslluberes.wordpress.com/2012/10/17/vitamin-and-mineral-health-chart/

Earth Science

Homework for Monday October 22nd:

Write next to the following rock examples one way we can use them in life.
For example:  Granite: use for countertops

Igneous Rocks:  Granite, Pumice, Basalt, Rhyolite
Sedimentary: Quartz, Sandstone, Shale, Limestone
Metamorphic: Gneiss, Marble

Remember to also do the two crossword puzzles  ( Igneous and Metamorphic)

Have a great weekend!
Ms. Recalde

martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

The Westing Game: Ch. 18 questions

1. Why does Turtle think it would be a good idea to call Mrs. Baumbach by another name?
2. Who was Rosalie and what happened to her?
3. What does Theo want Doug Hoo to do?
4. What letter does Otis Amber deliver to Doug?
5. How does Chris feel at the prospect of being “kidnapped” by Doctor Deere?

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012


Chapter 2 Test Tomorrow!

Write your own story project: Chapter 2

Continue with your story by writing chapter 2. Chapter 2 should be at least 3 paragraphs and will include the problem / mystery continued and the most exciting part... the climax. Include 2 vocabulary words in this chapter.

Earth Science

Quiz on Wed:

Rocks:  Do not study the examples , but study types and all about rocks we covered in class including the rock cycle.

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012

Vocabulary homework

Choose 15 words from the vocabulary list for the tuiz and write a sentence with each.


Investiga en internet sobre la historia de la Declaración de Derechos de San Francisco y haz un infome con la extensión de 1 hoja , donde expliques:

- lugar específico donde se efectuó.
- fecha.
- paises firmantes.
- aspectos generales que te parecieron importantes.
Fecha de entrega miércoles 17/10.

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012

Westing Game Tuiz: Chapters 6-18

We will be having a Tuiz on "The Westing Game" chapters 6-18 next Thursday, October 18th. Below is all of the vocabulary you will need to study. Make sure you review the actual chapters because there will also be a comprehension and writing section.

1. Eccentric
2. Appalled
3. Culprit
4. Corrupt
5. Forfeit
6. Pompous
7. Dialect
8. Stint
9. Inscrutable
10. Pretentious
11. Incriminating
12. Pool
13. Defiantly
14. Jabbering
15. Paternal
16. Embrace
17. Humiliation
18. Woozy
19. Obituary
20. caption
21. Scrumptious
22. Distraught
23. Impractical
24. Vaguely
25. Amnesia
26. Incriminating

miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012

Recipe Remix

Your Recipe Remix final project is due on Wednesday, October 24th. We have health last period that day. Your printed new recipe list is due next Wednesday, October 17th.

Project goal: Discover how to create a healthier version of your favorite food.

You will accomplish this goal by:
  1. With a partner, decide on a favorite food that you will remix
  2. Look up the recipe to that food and write down every ingredient
  3. Research healthy ingredient substitutions in order to make your food healthier (ex: eggs-eggwhites or applesauce, flour-whole wheat flour, etc.
  4. Write a three page report about this new recipe (report details below).
  5. Cook your new recipe with your partner and bring it to class so we can taste it!
Each group will have one report.
  • Page 1: Clever title of your remixed recipe, a picture or drawing of your recipe and your names.
  • Page 2: List the original unhealthy recipe and all of its ingredients. List your remixed recipe with your ingredient substitutions.
  • Page 3: A four paragraph short essay:
P1: Why did you choose this food?
P2:What ingredient substitutions did you use?
P3: Was this recipe a success? What did you learn?
P4: How will I apply this project to my future health choices?

The day of the final project, you will bring your report and your food item to class and do a short presentation explaining your remix. Have fun!

martes, 9 de octubre de 2012

Write Your Own Story project

For the rest of the marking period we will be working on our own story writing. We have already begun this process with our slide-writes for idea inspiration and our story maps with information about the characters, setting and parts of the plot. This story needs to have an element of mystery to go along with the theme of mystery in "The Westing Game." You may make the story spooky if you would like since it is due right around Halloween, but please remember to keep it appropriate. This will be a three chapter story with a minimum of three paragraphs per chapter. Each chapter will include the following parts of plot from your story map...

Chapter 1
Problem / mystery

Chapter 2
Problem / mystery continued

Chapter 3
Falling action / resolution

Remember every paragraph needs to include proper sentence structure (think Big Mac P's) starting with a topic sentence. You will be graded for you work in class, your story writing process (slide-writes, story maps, peer-editing, writing sessions) and your final story. Have fun and be creative!

Chapter 1 rough draft written in notebooks is due tomorrow, October 10th.

The Westing Game Chapter 16: The Third Bomb

Due Thursday!

Vocabulary: Define each word and use it in a sentence.
1. Impractical
2. Vaguely
3. Amnesia
4. Incriminating

Questions: Write q's and a's
1. Why is a large group of people gathered at the Wexler’s apartment?
2. Who got hurt from the third bomb?
3. Do the police search all the other apartments at Sunset Towers?
4. Who is in Angela’s hospital room with her?
5. Who is the bomber?

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

Earth's Physical Geography

Define all the Key Terms and Key Places from Chapter 2, Section 1 (pages 26-30)

The Westing Game: Chapters 14 and 15

Chapter 14
1. What was Angela searching for under the hoods of the cars in the parking lot?
2. Why did Sandy refuse to accept a tip from the judge?
3. Who was talking in Grace Wexler’s kitchen?
4. Why were the tenants buying so many Westing Paper Products?

Chapter 15
1. Who is Judge Ford working with as a private detective to find information on the heirs?
2. Why is Judge Ford surprised at Sandy's description of Mrs. Westing?

Ciencias Sociales

Ejercicios 1,2 y 3 de la P-35 y 2 de la P-36 Libro Sociales. Recuerda también  la tarea de Cívica del viernes. Entregar miércoles 10/10.
No olvides ir adelantando tu proyecto sobre la Fortaleza Ozama!!!

Tarea de Español - Mrs. Cruceta

¡Hola niños/as!!

La terea para la próxima clase es:

Buscar los significados de las palabras del vocabulario y escribir oraciones con ellas:
- enunciado
- frase
- concordancia
- nominal
- catálogo
- deshollinar
- farolero
- geógrafo
- oficio

Examen de Español - Mrs. Cruceta

¡Hola chicos/as!!

Para el próximo viernes 12 tendremos un examen de Español con valor de 20 puntos, para el que deben estudiar:
- La narración
- La descripción
-  El enuciado. Diferencia entre frase y oración

¡Muuuuucha suerte!!!

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012


Buscar láminas que representen los 4 primeros Derechos Básicos que aparecen en la P-11 Libro Cívica. Pégarlas en la mascota e identificar cada un de ellas. Una por cada derecho.
Copiar y responder en la mascota las preguntas del  "Reflexiona" que aparecen también en la P-11 Libro Cívica. Entregar miércoles 10/10.

Earth Science


Page. 58-64: Read and do the Vocabulary

Have a Great Weekend!!!

Ms. Recalde

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012

Health: Holiday Homework

Bring in research for an in class activity on one of the following holidays:
  1. Kwanzaa
  2. Hanukkah
  3. Ramadan/Eid
We will analyze external cultural influences on health with this info.

Story Maps

My very own story project: finish your story map


1. Name: ________________
Description: main / secondary character, physical features, personality type, importance in the story, relationships to others, etc.
2. Name: ________________
Description: _________________________________________________________
3. Name: ________________
Description: _________________________________________________________
4. Name: ________________
Description: _________________________________________________________
5. Name: ________________
Description: _________________________________________________________

1. Place: Describe all of its features.
2. Place: _____________________________________________________________
3. Time: ______________________________________________________________

Plot: Write 1 sentence explaining each part of the plot
1. Introduction
2. Problem
3. Climax
4. Falling action (resolution)
5. Conclusion

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

Tarea - Mrs. Cruceta

¡Hola chicos!!

Para el próximo jueves deben traer escrita una autobiografía. Deben agregarle pegada o impresa una fotografía.

The Westing Game: Chapters 12 & 13

Write q's and a's in notebooks. Use full sentences.

Chapter 12 
1. Describe what happens to Mrs. Theodorakis in the kitchen.
2. What does Angela return to Turtle that she had stolen?
3. According to Judge Ford, who are the four people with Westing connections?
4. What is strange when Judge Ford calls a private detective from the phone book?

Chapter 13
5. What did the bomber use to set off the bomb?
6.Who does Mrs. Baumbach say Angela Wexler looks like?
7. Who is the only person to talk with Chris and ask him questions?
8. What happened just as Otis Amber entered the restaurant?
9. According to the fireman, what was the reasoning/explanation behind the bombs?
10. Where was the bomber planning to set the next bomb?
1. Woozy
2. Obituary
3. Caption
4. Scrumptious
5. Distraught

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

Tarea de Español - Mrs. Cruceta

¡Hola chicos!!

Para mañana deben elegir y realizar un tipo de descripción distinto al que hicieron el el aula.